• The Vibrant Woman Programme

    12 Weeks to Harmony and Happiness

  • Sign up now for just £997

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    What's included in the programme?

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    Week 1

    Welcome Week

    Here we identify your 'why' and set you up for success with journaling and goal setting exercises. We consider our 6 steps to developing a transformative journaling practice and 5 secrets to setting effective health & wellness goals.

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    Week 2

    Nutrition Fundamentals

    Here I aim to give you a solid grounding in the best ways to fuel your body. Topics include: a 5-Minute Guide to the 6 Essential Nutrients, a deep dive into Superfoods, and how in-season eating can benefit your health and wellbeing.

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    Week 3


    Stress affects everything: mood, skin, digestive system, metabolism, immune system … so it’s crucial to manage this element of wellness. In this module we cover 6 Signs of Chronic Stress, 15 simple ways to stress less and the secret to breathing exercises that really do work.

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    Week 4

    Hormones & Metabolism

    Despite what we’ve long been told, losing weight is not a simple matter of “eat less and exercise more”. Often the real key to losing that weight, gaining energy, and improving mood lies with our hormones. In week 4 we consider the connection between hormones & weight and look at strategies for balancing hormones.

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    Week 5

    Body Image & Weight Loss

    In this module, we’ll take an even deeper dive into the topic of weight loss and discuss specific strategies for losing weight … but I’ll help you do this from a place of self-love (not self-loathing). Topics include 9 simple ways to cut back on sugar and 10 ways to lose 10 lbs: effective weight loss strategies.

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    Week 6

    Food & Mood

    This week, we’ll fully explore the connection between food and mood and help you with some specific strategies to help curb emotional eating and eat more mindfully. We'll look at how to recognise the signs of emotional eating and key ways food impacts your mood, as well as 8 strategies for developing a healthier relationship with food.

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    Week 7

    Sleep & Health

    Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things people can do for their overall health and well-being, so this module is all about 'sleep wellness'. We'll look at the impact of sleep deprivation on health & wellbeing, the surprising connection between diet and sleep (and what to do about it), and 5 key sleep habits to improve sleep quality and ensure improved health.

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    Week 8

    Movement & Active Living

    In week 8, I'll help you adopt strategies for making exercise a habit and creating a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. We'll include a revolutionary new way of approaching exercise that embraces pleasure and makes it easy to stay active, 8 tips for using an exercise journal to solidify your habits and mindset strategies to encourage an active lifestyle. 

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    Week 9

    Self Care

    This module is designed to help you see what is truly possible if you start to prioritise self care, and attend to your WHOLE self on the mental, physical and spiritual levels. We'll review some tips for creating a personalised self-care plan, learn how to build an empowering morning ritual and consider easy-to-adopt habits and routines, such as Self-Care Sundays.

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    Week 10

    Relationships & Social Wellness

    In this module, you will learn how to boost your health and happiness by paying attention to your social wellbeing. You’ll adopt some strategies for building supportive relationships and strengthening your sense of community. Topics include a woman’s guide to friendships, effective communication in long-term relationships & marriage and the 5 love languages.

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    Week 11


    In this module we’ll be considering the happiness-health connection, and I’ll give you a number of strategies to boost your happiness and enjoy an improved quality of life. We'll review the 8 key benefits of happiness, 10 things you can do each day to enhance your happiness and 12 simple strategies to build a gratitude practice.

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    Week 12

    Celebrate & Plan Your Next Chapter

    As with any journey, it’s important to look back and reflect as well as look forward towards your goals. In week 12 we celebrate how far you've come and review your next steps for continuing on your wellness journey.

    And there's more! If at any point during the programme you feel you need more information on a particular topic, just pop a question in the group or send me a message and I'll create some additional training on it!

    Pay in full price: £997

    Or pay 3 monthly installments of £360 or 6 monthly installments of £190

    Please contact me below if you would like a payment plan option

  • FAQs

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