Whole body revitalisation!
What if...?
What if you could look in the mirror and love what you see?
What if every day was a good hair day?
What if you could reclaim your energy and zest for life?
About Me
Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a soon to be licenced Facelift Diet CoachTM trained at the Skin Nutrition Institute. My expertise in nutrition, skin health and nutridermatologyTM enable me to help my clients to create talior-made nutrition plans that help to prevent and even reverse the visible signs of skin ageing.
Because you deserve to look and feel at your best. If you're reading this, you've probably read all the health books and listened to the beauty gurus, watched the skin health influencers tell you about the latest diet fad and tried all the weird and wonderful supplements on the shelves of the health food shops. And yet you still look in the mirror each morning and see lines appearing, sagging skin and puffy eyes.
And it's not your fault!
The media is awash with fad diet tricks and marketing nonsense. You might be familiar with some of these myths:
Myth: Collagen supplements made from cow collagen will restore youthful skin.
Fact: Collagen is not made from collagen! The only way to boost collagen production is to give your body the ingredients it needs to make its own, and that doesn't come from cows (or any other animal).
Myth: Ageing is purely genetic and can't be halted.
Fact: Much of what we think of as 'natural' ageing is caused or accelerated by lifestyle choices, with one of the most significant being the foods we eat. And that goes for whole body ageing, not just the visible signs we see on our skin.
Imagine knowing exactly which foods in your diet are contributing to skin ageing and which are preventing it.
Imagine feeling empowered to make the right choices every day, for the longest and healthiest life possible.
And beauty is not just skin deep
Did you know that what's happening on your skin is a reflection of what's happening inside your body? The skin is an organ just like our heart and lungs. But compared to more vital organs like these, it's considered lower priority, which means that if our body isn't quite getting enough of something it needs or too much of something it shouldn't, it's often our skin that suffers first. And that's great news for us. Why? Because we can see it! Visible changes to our skin can be a reflection of the cellular health of our body, which means we can use them as an early-warning system. If we heal our skin, we heal the whole body, before problems arise that aren't so easy to spot or to address.
A confidence boost
And the health of our skin matters for its own sake too. We may feel like we're being vain to admit it (which we're not!) but the way our skin looks has a huge impact on our self-confidence. How many of us have tried to hide acne under loads of makeup or worn sunglasses to hide puffy eyes? What if instead you recognised what those signals were trying to tell you and knew exactly how to respond to them?
The Facelift DietTM Programme
Coming soon!
- Even if you live a busy life and don't have time to cook fancy meals.
- Even if you feel you don't know where to start with healthy eating.
- Even if you've tried all the fad diets.
Why work with me?
Coming soon!
What you get:
Coming soon - join the waiting list to be the first to hear about this exciting new programme!
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