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Cheese Addicts - It's Not Your Fault!

September 29, 2024

Ever heard someone say they just can’t give up cheese or are ‘addicted’ to it? Maybe you’ve said it yourself. It was probably just a joke, right? But in fact many of the food ‘addictions’ we joke about really are addictions in the same way that people get addicted to drugs.

Did you know that cheese, for example, contains casomorphins? These are a kind of opiate used by mother cows to soothe their calf by acting as a gentle sedative. But if they can calm something the size of a small cow, you can imagine they’re quite powerful. These casomorphins then become concentrated in cheese.

So the next time someone says they’re addicted to cheese, take them seriously. Food addictions can be very real and are a serious challenge to people trying to meet healthy eating goals.

Want personalised advice on how to meet your health goals? Book a call to see how I can help you!